Be you

Do things for yourself, because you just want to see how far you can go. Grow, because you can’t wait to meet new versions of yourself. Remember that your life is meant to delight you. Let yourself be delighted, by your own gifts and talents and unique interests and hobbies that stay on your mind. You are you for a reason. Find the many reasons.

Keep your own interests alive. Don’t let your own fire go out. Take pleasure in the way you do certain things, the situations that make you angry, that bring you to passion.

Make sure you are heart-first in whatever you do. Trust that your efforts will add up to something unexpected and wonderful. Let life surprise you. If something doesn’t happen for you, trust that it’s not meant for you and the reasons will appear when you most need them. Take delight in your own path. Heal so you can be free. Forget being the “best” or having the “most.” Be you. That is enough. More than enough. Enjoy who you are. There is nobody like you and that is delightful. Let yourself bask in that for a while.


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